Thursday, October 6, 2011

When faced with fear we all act in different ways.

In The Red Badge of Courage Henry lived on a farm and found himself to be bored all the time so he thought he would enlist in the army because he thought it would be better than living on the farm. Though Henry finds that the War is not quit what he expected. He is afraid and finds himself having an internal conflict with himself always wondering if he will stay and fight or run away from battle. Surprisingly Henry finds himself prepared and fought in a battle. They win that battle and he goes to sleep somewhat satisfied with himself, but the next morning they get a surprise attack, and Henry unable to prepare himself runs away from battle. Henry ran because he was afraid and scared that he would die. He did not have time to mentally prepare himself. So with Henry when faced with fear he runs away because he feels he is not ready.

Forrest Gump is completely different from Henry. He finds himself in many situations and just "goes with it." When Forrest is in Viatnam he fights relentlessly, he only stops fighting when lieutenant Dan tells him " Run Forrest run." Well Forrest runs and finds himself all alone "which is a very bad thing" so he goes back because "Bubba was his best good friend he had to make sure he was ok." and while he is there he finds other soldiers who are wounded and are asking for help so he carries one by one soldiers back to safety. To me I find Forrest to be very brave, I do not think he thought about fear or dieng he did what he did because he is a warrior. Unlike Henry he does not run from fear but runs to it.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Remembering 9.11

I do not remember much about that day, but what I do remember is blurry. I remember sitting in class when my teacher started crying and turned on the t.v, I still did not know what was going on. I remember just about every teacher and parent I seen that day talking about planes and people dieing it scared me.

When I got home that day I asked my mom what was going on and she told me " bad people crashed an airplane into the World Trade Center, and many people got hurt" to me I still thought it was not true. I asked my mom questions like " why did they do that ", "are they still here" ," why did this happen" and my mom could never answer me she just said " i do not know i do not have the answers to that Hun"
The next day we went to school, and everything was the same nothing had changed. Now when I look back everything had changed. I just did not realize it cause I was so young. The security at airports changed a lot, you could no longer carry certain types of accessories and a lot of other changes happend as well.

It is so sad to think about all the wife's, husbands, moms, dads, daughters, sons etc that will never come home and family's who will never see their loved ones again. Those were innocent people and so many peoples lives were affected by this.

 I am sure everyone else will never forget September 11. It will be a day that will always be remembered and will never be forgotten.