Monday, January 9, 2012

2012 Theme Word

Successful. A Successful Present.  A Successful Future.

 I chose the word successful, because I want to be successful in everything I do. Every time I go to do something I want to have that thought of success, because if you think about being successful rather than giving up you will get far in life, and I want to go far in life. For me I want to go far in life to prove to everyone that I am better than they expected. I think everyone should have that mental thought to get farther than everyone expects them to, to prove not only to them but yourself that you can do anything you set your mind to. To be successful in everything I do is very important to me, it is a sense of accomplishment.

Success can have a lot of benefits like; Happiness and less stress. Success can bring these because if you have success you are more than likely doing what you want which makes you happy and less stress because you probably will not be worried about as much as if you had a job or life that you did not have in mind. In my opinion I think everyone should have a certain goal in mind to push where they are wanting to go. To work harder, and achieve the life they want, not to just get by cause its the easiest thing to do.

"It is not where you came from that matters, it is where you are going."