Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Book Review

Andrea Busfields born under a million shadows interested me with its detail about the country and what was going on in the main characters thoughts and lives.

The theme of the book is struggle, I think that the lesson is to inform readers how hard life is for many people and sometimes you learn to trust others to get you through it, also no matter how hard your life is somebody's is probably worse. One reasoning on why I think this is because Fawad the main character always said after telling one of this struggles " But that is just Afghanistan everybody knows pain and death is just death" Other struggles that Fawad had was he lost his whole family but his mother. His mother ended up getting very sick he had to deal with being without her for the first time.

The characters were very believable, because when the author wrote about them she put so much detail into what they were saying or feeling. Fawad the main character was also my favorite character because he was so smart and very sweet. He put a lot of thought into what he said like " This was my family, as complete and happy as it would ever be. Then one by one like leaves falling from a tree they began to die" George was also a very good character she was always calm.

I can compare this book to the Kite Runner because it also talks about struggles in the Afghanistan, its about a little boy as well. And I think The authors had similar ways of writing their books cause they both had so much detail I could really paint a picture as I was reading the books

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