Wednesday, April 25, 2012

The Call of the Wild: Book Review

Jack Londons "The Call of the Wild" is about a dog named buck who gets takin away from his comfortable yet boring home and sold to a man in gold mining. Buck is constantly put to the test of his mental,physical and emotional strengh. Buck succeeds in all he is put to because he has that ambition of always being at the top.

To be veracious when I first started reading "The Call of the Wild" it did not catch my attention because I do not like books about dogs.. or animals but later on in the book when jack started using Anthropomorphism the book started getting interesting. I also like the way that jack showed the dogs will to survive all the sacrifices and arduous tasks that the dogs went through to survive, was just  incredible. "The Call of the Wild" will probably be the only book about dogs that I will read and actually enjoy. When Jack started to talk about the love between john and buck and the ministrations they gave and recieved it warmed my heart cause buck had went through so much and had been beseted on many times but still abtained pertinacity.

I suggets this book to people who like reading about the wilderness or animals.

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